We are trying to keep track of all studies on the SAPROF. On this site we give an overview of some ongoing research projects. If you are conducting a research project on the SAPROF yourself, we would be happy to add it to the website.
The following are some of the international research studies that are being / or have been conducted:
United Kingdom
- Michael Doyle, Jeremy Coid & Jenny Shaw et al, London/Manchester,UK
- Title: Validation of new Risk Assessment Instruments for use with Patients Discharged from Medium Secure Services
- Design: Prospective community cohort follow-up, repeated measures
- Sample: N=795 patients discharged from NHS Medium secure pathways inEnglandandWales(all discharge between 1/9/10 and 31/8/11)
- Tools: SAPROF, HCR-20v3 & MSRAG
- Outcome: 12-month follow-up post-discharge and measure of violent outcome. Validation of SAPROF, HCR-20 v3 and MSRAG with this sample, as well as exploration of the role of protective factors.
- Status: Data collection underway. Dissemination expected 2014.
- Richard Whittington & Andrew Brown et al, Liverpool, UK
- Title: Preventing violence recidivism in secure psychiatric care: The concurrent validity and clinical utility of the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for violence risk (SAPROF)
- Design: Postdictive clinical/inpatient/forensic and general psychiatry
- Sample: N=68 forensic inpatients (medium security) and N=42 general Mental Health service inpatients (non-forensic)
- Tools: SAPROF + HCR-20 & PCL-SV
- Outcome: Patient violence as recorded in clinical case notes in 12 months prior to SAPROF
- Status: Completed, paper under review
- Alina Haines, Richard Whittington & Andrew Brown et al, Liverpool, UK
- Title: Prospective Validity of the Structured Assessment of Protective Factors (SAPROF) Instrument for Violence
- Design: Prospective clinical & community
- Sample: N=150 forensic and non-forensic mentally disordered (in-/out-) patients with or without a history of violence
- Tools: SAPROF + HCR-20 & PCL-SV
- Outcome: Frequency and severity of violence at 2 time points (baseline and 6 months after)
- Status: Expected timeframe: Feb-Dec 2013
- Jodie Hart & Adrian Cree, London, UK
- Title: The clinical utility of protective factors in predicting outcomes of forensic patients transferred to the community; A retrospective analysis of a cohort of discharged patients from medium and low secure settings between 1996 and 2004.
- Design: Retrospective
- Sample: N=40 patients discharged into the community
- Tools: SAPROF
- Outcome: Recalled or readmitted to psychiatric services
- Status: Data collection underway, project to be completed September 2013
The Netherlands
- Michiel de Vries Robbé, Vivienne de Vogel et al, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Study 1.
- Title: Risk and protective factors in clinical practice: Measuring change in high risk offenders
- Design: Prospective clinical follow-up
- Sample: N=315 forensic psychiatric patients (tbs)
- Tools: SAPROF & HCR-20
- Outcome: Violent incidents during treatment (12 months)
- Status: Data collection completed, projected to be finalized Spring 2013
Study 2.
- Title: Risk- and protective factors: A two-sided dynamic approach to violence risk assessment
- Design: Retrospective file study
- Sample: N=188 violent + sexual offenders / forensic psychiatric patients (tbs)
- Tools: SAPROF & HCR-20
- Outcome: (sexually) violent recidivism after treatment (1-3-11 year)
- Status: Completed, paper under review
Study 3.
- Title: Assessing protective factors for sexually violent offenders: The value of the SAPROF
- Design: Retrospective file study
- Sample: N=83 sexual offenders / forensic psychiatric patients (tbs)
- Tools: SAPROF, HCR-20 & SVR-20
- Outcome: Violent and sexually violent recidivism after treatment (1-3-15 year)
- Status: Completed, paper under review
Study 4.
- Title: Treatment progress and treatment success: Assessment with dynamic risk- and protective factors
- Design: Retrospective file study repeated measures
- Sample: N=120 violent + sexual offenders / forensic psychiatric patients (tbs)
- Tools: SAPROF & HCR-20
- Outcome: Change during treatment, related to (sexually) violent recidivism after treatment
- Status: Data collection completed, projected to be finalized Spring 2013
Study 5.
- Title: Self-assessment of protective factors: The value of including the patient
- Design: Prospective clinical comparison
- Sample: N=30 forensic psychiatric patients (tbs)
- Tools: SAPROF, HCR-20, qualitative questionnaire
- Outcome: Comparison of patient self-assessment ratings (interview) and staff ratings, patient and staff opinions on the value of protective factors
- Status: Data collection underway, projected to be completed Summer 2013
- Valérie Moulin, Milena Abbiati & Eric Francescotti, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Title: Validation of the SAPROF in French
- Design: Retrospective study
- Sample: N=200 violent and sexual offenders (forensic psychiatric) in French-speakingSwitzerland
- Tools: SAPROF, HCR-20, SVR-20 & PCL-R
- Outcome: Official recidivism and aggression in prison or hospital over 12 years
- Status: Data collection underway
- Dahlnym Yoon, Peer Briken et al, Hamburg, Germany
Study 1.
- Title: Protective factors in 450 adult male sexual offenders
- Design: Retrospective
- Sample: N=450 adult male sexual offenders incarcerated in Austrian prison system
- Tools: SAPROF + SVR-20
- Outcome: Official re-conviction, follow-up 6 years in average
- Status: Completed, paper under review
Study 2.
- Title: Protective factors in alleged juvenile sexual offenders
- Design: Retrospective
- Sample: N=66 juveniles alleged for sexual offending
- Outcome: Official police records, follow-up +/- 4 years
- Status:
Study 3.
- Title: Factors related to recidivism risk among sex offenders in an outpatient treatment program
- Design: Prospective
- Sample: N=70 sexual offenders in treatment in outpatient aftercare treatment program (FORAS) inHamburg, community setting
- Tools: SAPROF, HCR-20, SVR-20, Static-99 & PCL-R
- Outcome: official re-conviction, follow-up +/- 3 years
- Status: In preparation, expected to be finished 2013
Study 4.
- Title: Effect of protective factors on therapeutic intervention in incarcerated offenders
- Design: Prospective
- Sample: N=100 inmates (end 2012) in the socio-therapeutic unit (SOTHA) inHamburgprison
- Tools: SAPROF, HCR-20, SVR-20, Static-99, STABLE, SVG-10 & PCL-R
- Outcome: Intramural incidents, follow-up (update) every year
- Status: On-going project
- Ben van Heesch, Leuven, Belgium
- Title: Protective factors for forensic psychiatric patients: The protective value of the items from the SAPROF
- Design: Qualitative research in a forensic psychiatric setting
- Sample: Small sample of staff and forensic psychiatric patients of OPZCRekem,Belgium
- Tools: SAPROF (self-assessment interview for patients) + qualitative questionnaire
- Outcome: Qualitative data analysis (interviews, observations)
- Status: In preparation, expected to be finished Summer 2013
- Cristina Neves & Cristina Soeiro, Lisbon, Portugal
- Title: Research with probationers and parolees
- Design: Retrospective file study
- Sample: 98 Portuguese probationers and parolees
- Tools: SAPROF & HCR-20
- Outcome: violent and non-violent recidivism, follow-up average 13 months
- Status: Data collection under way, project to be completed April 2013
- Tiago Almeida, Cristina Neves & Cristina Soeiro, Lisbon, Portugal
- Title: Research in psychiatric settings
- Design: Prospective
- Sample: forensic and civil psychiatric samples
- Tools: SAPROF, HCR-20 & PCL-SV
- Outcome: To characterize and identify protective factors in, analyze their relationship with risk factors and levels (low, medium, high)
- Status: Data collection under way, project to be completed April 2013
- Simone Viljoen & Tonia Nicholls et al, Vancouver, Canada
- Title: Examining utility of strengths and protective factors in violence risk assessment measures in a chronic civil psychiatric population
- Design: Retrospective file review with prospective follow up design
- Sample: N=150 (60%male-40%female) patients with severe mental illness residing in a psychiatric care facility, being transferred to residential treatment facilities in community
- Outcome: Negative outcomes (i.e., violence to others, offending etc.) coded prospectively from file information at facility, four follow-up time periods (i.e. every 6 months for two years) using the START Outcome scale.
- Status: Data collection underway, projected to be completed Summer 2013
New Zealand
- Nick Wilson & Ann Tapara, Hamilton, New Zealand
- Title: An examination of the psychometric properties of the SAPROF as applied to high-risk violent offenders undergoing treatment
- Design: Prospective inpatient
- Sample: N=50 male prisoners from Special Treatment Units for violent men
- Outcome: reliability & convergent validity
- Status: Data collection underway, Mid/Late 2013 anticipated completion date